If creativity required a curriculum, cave walls would still be blank.

Autodidact's Manifesto source - X’s Post

I’m not addressing doctors, though. Their work involves saving lives, so certification is crucial to ensure they’re qualified for such responsibility. For them, formal validation matters because mistakes cost lives. I am talking to the mathematicians, the writers, the programmers, the philosophers - the autodidacts.

Autodidactism is a mindset, a quiet revolution. It is about seizing control of our learning, breaking free from institutional boundaries. It is the freedom to choose what fills your mind, guided by curiosity and passion, not by external constraints.

We choose what to learn, when to learn, and how to learn.

Institutional education offers answers to questions you never asked. You likely never lost sleep over the Pythagorean theorem, did you? Schools and universities are factories designed to produce obedient workers, not independent thinkers.

An autodidact is a rebel. We don’t accept gatekeeping. We love open source. We don’t need anyone’s permission to learn. We don’t need you to certify us. We don’t need your approval to do creative things.

We dare to learn on our own terms. We want freedom.

We are the ones who read books, watch lectures, build communities and write essays for the sheer joy of learning.

We build, we code, we write, we paint, we dream.

We think free, learn curiously and create boldly.

Do you want to learn about Topology or Computational Fluid Dynamics? Go ahead. You want to learn about the intricacies of quantum mechanics? Dive in. In the age of the internet, information is free. We have to learnt to churn that information into knowledge.

Do you want to become one of us? You have to stop waiting for permission and bowing to authority. You have to stop waiting for someone to tell you what to do. You have to stop waiting for someone to tell you that you are ready.

Can you just learn for the sake of learning? Are you curious enough? Do you trust yourself to learn? Are you non-conformist?

If you answered yes to all, welcome to the revolution.

We are the future. We are the revolution. We are the autodidacts.

Trial and error is freedom.